Amiga Plus 2002 #12
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 12.iso
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Text File
226 lines
---- Version 3.1.13 - 02/10/27 ----
Bad postscript when tempo with unit note < crotchet.
---- Version 3.1.12 - 02/10/20 ----
Crash when %%staves with only one secundary voice.
---- Version 3.1.11 - 02/10/13 ----
Adjust horizontal offset of grace notes.
Bad grace notes staff when multi-voices.
---- Version 3.1.10 - 02/10/06 ----
Bad postscript when accidentals in grace notes since 3.1.8.
Center the separators (%%sep).
%%partsbox added.
New.Features moved to features.txt.
---- Version 3.1.9 - 02/09/29 ----
Handle different note lengths in grace notes.
---- Version 3.1.8 - 02/09/22 ----
Handle chords in grace notes.
Bad dot position on some single quavers.
Change some glyphs.
More space between lyric words under staff.
---- Version 3.1.7 - 02/09/15 ----
Tempo and parts were not printed when %%staves changed.
Handle different note lengths in chords (not clean yet).
Problem when grace notes and multi-voices.
Problems with voice overlay.
Accept clef names alone in V:.
---- Version 3.1.6 - 02/09/08 ----
Have vertical offset from the note in guitar chord "@x,y".
Bad page numbering since 3.1.5.
Have vertical room for grace notes.
---- Version 3.1.5 - 02/09/01 ----
Lyric problem when starting on a grace note.
Better staff bracket (from Guido Gonzatto).
Change some glyphs.
Adjust grace notes.
Bad slurs at start and end of line.
Have a new page number in %%newpage.
---- Version 3.1.4 - 02/08/18 ----
May have slurs on spaces ('y').
Handle the position chars in guitar chords (adapted from Guido Gonzato).
---- Version 3.1.3 - 02/08/14 ----
Use the shortest length rule in chord.
Change the floating voice algorithm.
Problem when many %%staves in a tune.
---- Version 3.1.2 - 02/08/04 ----
Treat '&' (voice overlap - Taral's proposal).
---- Version 3.1.1 - 02/07/28 ----
Have 2 measures repeat work with multi-voices.
Accept guitar chords on 2 lines.
Accept ';' as a new guitar chord line.
Crash when a line ends with a note and a starting slur.
---- Version 3.1.0 - 02/07/21 ----
Problem when grace notes before a bar and multi-voices.
Comments in %%pseudo-comments not seen.
Bad rest alone in a measure on second voices and M: in tune.
Bad clef changes when multi-voices.
Have %%scale global. !! INCOMPATIBILITY with previous versions !!
Crash when '-N' at the end of the command line.
---- Version 3.0.20 - 02/07/14 ----
'-N' command line option extension (thanks to John Fattaruso).
Have the decorations tied to the note under the slurs.
---- Version 3.0.19 - 02/07/07 ----
May read any number of characters from stdin.
Bad repeat bars when 2nd repeat at start of line.
---- Version 3.0.18 - 02/06/23 ----
Change the bounding box in .eps files which makes graphical
image generation easier (see -E in options.txt).
---- Version 3.0.17 - 02/06/16 ----
Adjust some decorations.
Have %%maxshrink work again.
Don't change the stem height on chords.
Crash when same head on 2 voices at end of staff.
More space between beams.
---- Version 3.0.16 - 02/06/11 ----
Bad measure numbering on time signature change.
Adjust the decorations of centered rests.
New format option %%slurheight (Guido Gonzato).
Ignore position chars in guitar chords (^_<>@ - Guido Gonzato).
---- Version 3.0.15 - 02/06/02 ----
Fix some problems with grace notes.
Crash on grace notes in n-plet sequence.
Continue coding the staff break.
Bad clef change position since 3.0.14.
---- Version 3.0.14 - 02/05/26 ----
Start coding the staff break (see sample3.abc).
Have %%left/right margin work inside a tune (?).
Double repeat bar added.
More decorations in deco.abc.
---- Version 3.0.13 - 02/05/20 ----
Move some non-standard decorations to deco.abc.
Font definition problems tied to %%lefmargin in 3.0.12.
Authorize again white spaces at start of lines.
---- Version 3.0.12 - 02/05/19 ----
Handle blank lines and spaces in %%begintext / %%endtext.
Postscript error when '|' in %%staves.
Slurs back in grace notes.
Have %%lefmargin change to work correctly.
%%multicol working.
---- Version 3.0.11 - 02/05/12 ----
Pseudo %%multicol added (but does not work fine yet!).
Accept 'merge', 'up' and 'down' in V:.
Accept Barfly V: with note line ending with ']'.
Bad vertical offset of guitar chord when long text.
deco.abc: postscript stack pb in pedal - glissando added.
---- Version 3.0.10 - 02/05/05 ----
Bad horizontal space on key signature change.
Have the guitar chords a bit upper.
Opening slur before a grace note sequence was ignored.
Command line option -Q/+Q and pseudo 'printtempo' added.
Accept '.' (dot) and '"text"' in repeat bars.
Have 0.5cm before lyrics at end of tune.
Do indentation when '.' as a second character in 'W:'.
EPS box was truncated on the right side.
---- Version 3.0.9 - 02/04/28 ----
Better slurs between adjacent notes (?).
Too much space under the notes with accidental on a bass staff.
Better (?) accidental position in chord.
Have room for long repeat bar information.
---- Version 3.0.8 - 02/04/22 ----
Bad guitar chord offset in 3.0.7.
---- Version 3.0.7 - 02/04/21 ----
Align the guitar chords.
Fix many crashes in 3.0.6.
---- Version 3.0.6 - 02/04/14 ----
Have room for the slurs above/below the grace notes.
---- Version 3.0.5 - 02/04/07 ----
Don't complain about ties followed by grace notes.
Have better curved grace note flags (from Ed. Bradshow).
Crash when grace notes at end of line.
Don't cut a line on a grace note sequence.
---- Version 3.0.4 - 02/04/01 ----
Bad note pitch when K: in floating voices.
%%postscript definitions lost at start of tune.
Too much space above grace notes under beams.
Bad vertical offset of slurs when stop and start on a same note.
Have all helper lines on grace notes.
Have taller stems on grace notes.
Problem on vertical offset of P: and Q:.
Have room above and below the accidentals.
---- Version 3.0.3 - 02/03/24 ----
Have a better place for the bar numbers.
---- Version 3.0.2 - 02/03/17 ----
May have grace notes anywhere.
Remove the DEBUG option.
Option for straight flags in bagpipe tune.
Better (?) lyrics vertical offset.
Have a thicker line.
Problem on vertical offset of P: inside tune.
Fix M: horizontal offsets.
Handle '+' in M:.
---- Version 3.0.1 - 02/03/10 ----
M: extensions (see sample3.abc)
---- Version 3.0.0 - 02/03/02 ----
May have grace notes before bars.
No limitation in grace note number.
Creation from abcm2ps version 2.10.13.